Pallet shelf type A


Finished model of a pallet shelf 120cm high and with 5 different levels. The shelves are in green color and the angles and the sides of the shelf are in yellow
Shelves are all-terrain furniture that can be used anywhere in the house. This 5 levels pallet shelf is perfect for the kitchen, living room or garden. Check out how to build one using just pallet wood and for a few dollars!

Materials you will need

What are the materials and tools you will need for our pallet shelf type A?

This is a bit of demanding project, since you need to cut the angles that we use as support in quite a precise way.

You will need:

  • Crowbar to dismantle de pallet
  • Hammer
  • Nails or screws (we like screws because they provide a more precise and strong grip)
  • Electric or manual screwdriver
  • Electric or manual saw
  • Tape measure

Some other materials that are not mandatory but highly recommended for safety reasons are:

  • Gloves
  • Goggles
  • Working shoes

To finish the shelf (is not mandatory) you will need:

  • Sanding paper or a sanding machine
  • Paint or lineseed oil
  • A brush or painter roller

Pallet parts

Here you have a view of the pallet we are using for this furniture along with an exploded view of the pallet itself. That way you can locate each one of the parts used for the model. Note that some parts might not be used for this specific model.

Building steps

Step 1: dismantle the pallet

Image of a 3d rendering of the main pieces of the pallet shelf in color. The side is yellow color and the levels in green color

The first step is to dismantle the pallet we are going to use to build this model.

As you can see by the colors:

  • the sides of the shelf are built using the long wooden strips (yellow)
  • the 5 shelfs are built using green wooden strips (which they are 1/3 of a yellow)
  • the angles are built using the same yellow wooden strip (from a third of one you get 8 of them)

To build the angles you can use any piece of wooden strips you have with the pallet in reality, so we leave that to your choice.

Step 2: cutting all the pieces

Image of how to install the different levels of the shelf. The 5 different levels are in green color

After dismantling the pallet we need to cut all the pieces. You will need a measure tape, a ruler and we recommend an electric saw (jig saw or table saw, whatever you have).

You can also do it with a manual saw, but will be less precise and more time consuming.

Step 3: building the frame

Assembling the main structure of the pallet shelf

The next step after cutting all the pieces is to build the main frame of the shelf. 

To do so place the sides along with 4 angles and the first 2 levels of the shelf.

Step 4: finished structure

Image of the main structure assembly finished

As you can see in the step, that’s how the main structure looks like when is finished. Optionally you could also leave some space in the bottom so the first level is not directly touching the ground, up to your taste! 🙂

Step 5: adding the middle shelf

Image of the pallet shelf before being installed the middle shelves. It has 3 levels: the top, the middle and the bottom

In this step it is time to add the middle shelf. 

To do so just measure the distance between the top and bottom of the shelf, divide by two and that’s where you have to place the middle shelf to make it even.

Attach the angles to the shelf itself and then to the side structure.

Remember that the angles for the different shelves should be placed in under each shelf.

Step 6: adding two extra shelves

Finished model of the shelf before putting it vertical on the floor

The last step before the finished model is to place the two remaining shelves. 

To do so in a very easy way, like we did in the last step, you can use the measure tape. Measure the distance between the middle shelf you placed in the previous step and the bottom shelf: divide the distance by 2 and that’s exactly the middle. The same applies for the top middle shelf.

Step 7: finishing the model

Finished model of a pallet shelf 120cm high and with 5 different levels. The shelves are in green color and the angles and the sides of the shelf are in yellow

This a rendered image of how the shelf will look like as a finished model.

From here, check that the shelf has structural strength (you may have to add a horizontal wooden strip in the back in case you load it with a lot of weight) and sand all the surfaces.

As an optional finish touch, you can oil it with natural lineseed oil (will give it a nice natural wood color, highlighting the grain) or paint it. Enjoy your new shelf! 🙂

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